MPS is both FDA-approved and proven to control pain levels. By using highly accurate point simulation (like acupuncture’s well-placed needles) and microcurrent stimulation (like a TENS unit), MPS immediately targets and relaxes pressure/trigger/movement points, meridians, and pathways, many clients feel relief within minutes. This study showed that MPS provided statistically significant 68% improvement (p ≤ 0.0001) in patient
How can Physical Therapy help me?
Feb5th 2021Physical therapists treat a variety of issues such as Sciatica, Bursitis, Arthritis, Prosthetic Difficulty, Difficulty with Wheelchair Mobility, Decreased Balance, Spinal Injuries, Neck Strains, Whiplash, Parkinson’s Disease, Joint Conditions, Leg/Foot/Hip/Knee/Elbow/Shoulder/Back conditions and pain.
How can a Speech-Language Pathologist help me?
Feb5th 2021Speech Language Pathologists (SLP) work with conditions such as Dysphagia, Difficult Speech, Swallowing Issues, Cognitive Disorders, Receptive Aphasia/decreased ability to understand and communicate, Respiratory, Post Stroke or TBI Rehabilitation.