TMJ Dysfunction Tampa, FL

TMJ Dysfunction

Dealing With Jaw Pain? Find Relief for TMJ Dysfunction

There is a possibility that you have TMJ dysfunction if you have had problems with your jaw. Are you having a hard time chewing or yawning? Are you feeling pain in your jaw? When you open or close your mouth, do you hear clicking noises? If so, you might have TMJ, or temporomandibular joint dysfunction.

Your jaw is connected to your skull by the temporomandibular joint. TMJ is a condition that causes the jaw joint and its associated muscles to become painful and stiff. TMJ dysfunction can develop if there is an injury to this joint or it is damaged in some way.

The temporomandibular joint is a complicated structure made up of bones, tendons, and muscles that can make you experience discomfort on one or both sides of your jaw. This can make opening your mouth, talking, yawning, and chewing very difficult.

Our innovative care strategies at Holistic PT will help you find quick relief. If you’re done dealing with the inconveniences of TMJ, you can find help with therapy. Call us today to make an appointment with a Holistic PT occupational therapist or speech therapist.

Symptoms of TMJ

Symptoms of TMJ disorder include jaw pain, popping of the jaw, headaches, sore jaw muscles, lock jaw, temple pain, and earaches.

There are several reasons why TMJ dysfunction can develop, but misalignment of the teeth, gum chewing, arthritis, teeth grinding, or injury to the jaw are some common causes.

There is no surefire way of diagnosing TMJ dysfunction, however, a therapist will examine your medical history and conduct tests if you think you might be suffering from this disorder.

You can also be referred by your physician to an otolaryngologist or dentist specializing in jaw disorders.

Before diagnosing TMJ, any other medical conditions should be ruled out, as the symptoms can also be related to a condition known as trigeminal neuralgia, salivary gland disease, or even swollen lymph nodes.

You will be treated based on the severity of your symptoms until your condition has been decided.

How can OT or Speech therapy improve TMJ?

In some cases, home remedies can be used to treat TMJ dysfunction. Some people respond well to medications, such as Ibuprofen or Aspirin. Applying ice packs to the jaw joint directly can also help alleviate pain. Sedative essential oils, such as clary sage or lavender may also help you to find temporary relief.

Medical intervention may be required when home remedies do not successfully provide long-term relief. In many cases, stronger muscle relaxers or anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed.

In order to preserve correctly aligned teeth and avoid tooth grinding, a jaw specialist can also use a dental splint. Trigger-point acupuncture, joint replacement, or TMJ arthroscopy are other forms of medical care.

However, occupational or speech therapy is probably one of the most common interventions for TMJ disorder, if you choose to stop taking pain-relieving drugs and use a more holistic method.

At your initial appointment with Holistic PT, a comprehensive evaluation will be done on your neck, shoulders, and thoracic spine in order to determine if those structures are causing your symptoms.

Afterward, one of our dedicated Tampa therapists will create a treatment plan based on the nature of your symptoms and your specific needs.

Our therapist will analyze your jaw mobility and muscle tension in the areas surrounding your neck and head. The goal is to restore your normal function and interaction of the jaw muscles and joints.

Your treatment plan may consist of any combination of methods including jaw exercises, soft tissue massage, joint mobilization, and myofascial techniques. Our trained physical therapists are dedicated to helping you achieve a pain-free life.

Get started on a treatment plan for TMJ today

If you are in Tampa and surrounding areas suffering from the symptoms of TMJ dysfunction, request an appointment with Holistic PT.

Our therapists are patient-centric and committed to your health, working hard to help you manage and eliminate symptoms.

Don’t suffer from jaw pain and stiffness any longer!