Painful Mornings Can Be Relieved with the Help of Physical Therapy
Morning aches and pains can make it difficult to complete even the simplest tasks, like getting up out of bed or putting on your shoes.
There are few things worse than waking up in the morning to chronic pain in your neck, back, or joints, and it is something that many people experience.
But with the help of a few physical therapist approved stretches, you can begin to work certain areas of the body in the AM to help relieve pain and discomfort.
Adding stretches into your life is ideal for starting your day with flexibility in mind. They are also helpful in restoring your natural range of motion, reducing pain and inflammation as well. Our innovative care strategies at Holistic PT will help you find quick relief.
Additionally, there are changes you make to avoid waking up with pain. Keep reading to learn more!
First things first – is it your mattress?
If your mattress was once comfortable but now seems to be at the root of your aches and pains, it may be time to replace it.
According to Spine Health,
“Sleeping on the wrong mattress can cause or worsen lower back pain. Lack of support from a mattress reinforces poor sleeping posture, strains muscles and does not help keep the spine in alignment, all of which contribute to low back pain.
Sleep comfort is also sacrificed if a mattress does not match one’s individual preferences. A mattress that provides both comfort and back support helps reduce low back pain, allowing the structures in the spine to really rest and rejuvenate during the night.”
While the Better Sleep Council recommends replacing your mattress every 7 to 10 years, the way you feel in the morning is a better indicator that it’s time to replace your sleep surface.
Physical changes like injuries, surgery and weight change can also change your body’s position as you sleep, necessitating a faster change in your mattress.
Have you been staying active?
If you spend your days hobbling painfully from your bed to your reclining chair and back, the notion of pursuing any kind of vigorous activity may be the furthest thing from your mind.
The truth, however, is that getting active can vastly improve your health, your comfort, mobility, and overall quality of life.
The key is to find a fun activity that you enjoy doing and that also fits your current fitness level.
Add these 3 stretches to your morning routine!
By committing to a few simple morning stretches each day, you can help to keep your body feeling limber and reduce pain in between your regular physical therapy appointments.
Some of the best stretches to use early in your day include:
Child’s Pose
Popular in yoga routines, Child’s Pose is a great stretch for connective tissue and joint pain.
If you suffer from arthritis in the knees or low back pain, this is a great stretch to complete before beginning your day.
Start the pose by kneeling in bed, then sitting back so that your bottom is resting comfortably on your heels.
Next, gently bend your body forward until your head touches the mattress. It can be helpful to then stretch your arms out and fold them in front of your face for additional support.
Once you’ve eased into the position, you can then reach your arms out forward to help open the connective tissues in your neck, shoulders, and back area. Hold the pose for at least 2 minutes.
Low Back Stretch
If you’re dealing with recurring low back pain in the mornings, this simple physical therapy stretch can provide you with a great deal of relief.
Begin by laying down on your back, bending your knees and keeping your feet flat on the floor.
Use both hands to pull up one knee towards your chest, while keeping the other foot flat on the floor.
Bring the active leg back to the starting position and repeat the stretch with the opposite leg. Keeping the other foot flat on the floor.
Next, bring both knees to your chest at once. Hold each position for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat the stretch at least 3 times.
The Inchworm
This is another physical therapy stretch that is great for relieving joint pain and improving circulation in the mornings.
Start by standing with your abs engaged. Slowly roll down, bending at the knee if necessary and touch the floor.
Walk your hands forward, until you are in the push-up position. Then walk your feet forward, inch-by-inch, until you reach the back of your hands.
Slowly roll your body back up into a standing position. Repeat the stretch at least 5 times, with your core engaged each time. Our trained physical therapists are dedicated toward helping you achieve a pain-free life.
Ready to wake up feeling comfortable once again?
There’s no reason to start your day off in pain and suffering through feelings of discomfort.
Are you interested in learning more about the many benefits of physical therapy for pain management?
If you struggle with aches and pain every morning, you should speak with our physical therapist sooner rather than later about creating a personalized treatment plan.
Contact Holistic Physical Therapy in Tampa, FL for more information and be sure to schedule an initial consultation today.
Tags: Holistic Physical Therapy, Natural Treatment, Natural Pain Relief, Aches and Pains, Chronic Pain, physical therapy, physical therapists, nutrition, physical activity, opioids, Rehabilitation, physical health