Category: Chronic Pain

Sick and Tired of Those Morning Aches and Pains? We Can Help! Aug12th 2021

Sick and Tired of Those Morning Aches and Pains? We Can Help!

Painful Mornings Can Be Relieved with the Help of Physical Therapy Morning aches and pains can make it difficult to complete even the simplest tasks, like getting up out of bed or putting on your shoes. There are few things worse than waking up in the morning to chronic pain in your neck, back, or

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Blog 2 Proper Posture Alleviate Back Pain 1280x500 Aug3rd 2021

5 Reasons To Start Stretching Today

Stretching isn’t just a suggestion — it’s a necessity! Can some simple physical motions dramatically improve your overall health, wellness, and quality of life? In the case of stretching, the answer is most definitely yes. Stretching exercises are a staple of physical therapy for just that reason. Some people think that stretching is an unnecessary

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Desk Job Causing a Sedentary Life? Stay Active with Physical Therapy! Jul12th 2021

Desk Job Causing a Sedentary Life?

Stay Active with Physical Therapy! You Can Still Be Active With a 9-5! It’s becoming more well known that staying physically active throughout the workday isn’t just better for your health. It can also boost productivity, job satisfaction, and psychological well-being, too. Even if you work at a desk, there are plenty of simple things

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